Thursday, February 24, 2011

Making Better Choices

Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows how hard it is to stick to it.  This is one of the reasons I am not on another complicated, points,calorie or carb counting diet. My goal is to simply make better choices.
But I am always struggling to make healthy choices regarding snacks.  I work full time and have a three year old.  So the quick and cheap, bag of chips at the gas station-is always very tempting on the drive home. I found a tasty and healthy alternative to chips today.  Tasty being the key word here!

Soy Crisps!
Only 110 calories in 17 chips!
7 grams of protein per serving.
Something Cheetos does not!

Another new favorite is Garlic Stuffed Olives. DELICIOUS.  Yes you feel sort of silly digging olives out a jar with your fingers, driving down the road. But trust me, totally worth spilling olive juice all in your lap.
So here's to olive juice on your new skirt and making better choices, like packing a fork in the car!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 1

It was a Friday, February 11 to be exact.  I was sitting at my desk when I got an email from one of my bosses at work.  It simply read "Been thinking about you lately and hoping that all is well".  Well for the two weeks prior to this, if anyone asked me how I was doing, I promptly responded with "I don't know.  I've been in a bad funk and I can't shake it."  Then I would continue to moan and groan about how miserable I was.  Well you know as well as I do, no-one really wants to hear this!  So as I started to type my reply, that thought crossed my mind.  No-one wants to hear this.  So I deleted all the negative and replied with "I'm doing better.  Just declared today, Day 1 of Mission Defunk.  Gotta shake this."
Defunk  Urban Dictionary 2011 1.)To fix. To clean up. To remove funky, nasty,or unknown particles or debris.

I gained 75 pounds when I had our daughter.  Now don't get me wrong I wouldn't change that for the world. I love this little princess and I really loved eating ice cream when I was pregnant.  But she is 3 now and I am still carrying around this weight.  I am on a mission to lose this weight, eat healthy and maintain this lifestyle.
The rules of this mission are simple.
1.  I must go the gym at least 3 days a week.
2.  I will stop putting bad food into my body.
3.  Ican't quit.
Just a little background...If you browse my bookshelf you will see that I have bought every fad diet book that was ever written.  And that is exactly what all of them ended up being...a fad.  I decided I wasn't going to set myself up to fail again.  I am simply going to make better choices and exercise more often.  Easy enough.  But I know that it will be hard.  That is the reason for this blog.  To gain the support and encouragement of my friends and family.
I needed a mantra, something to help me when I wanted to cut my workouts short or eat cupcakes.  I have adopted the lyrics "Ain't nothing gonna break my stride. Nobody's gonna slow me down. Oh no, I got to keep on moving" as my mantra.  I think it is perfect.
Today is Day 11, I have lost 5 pounds.
Yay me!